/BCO-DMO/Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes/hydrocast --lat eq -54.991-- Level 1

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# Southern Ocean Winter Cruise 2012: Hydrocast data
# PI: Daniel M. Sigman (Princeton)
# Version: 05 May 2015
# Samples collected by Sandi Smart (University of Cape Town)nd analyzed in  Slab at in the Sigman lab at in the Sigman lab at Princeton University
# Data published in: Smart, S. M., S. E. Fawcett, S. J. Thomalla, M. A. Weigand, C. J. C. Reason, and D. M. Sigman (2015), Isotopic evidence for nitrification 
#      in the Antarctic winter mixed layer, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 29, doi:10.1002/2014GB005013.
station  date        time    lat       lon       depth_mixed_layer  month  day  year  ISO_DateTime_UTC          
AM00019  07/17/12    2157    -54.991   -0.002    108                07     17   2012  2012-07-17T21:57:00Z      
sample              depth     temp     sal     oxygen_corr  sigma_t   NO3_NO2_mean  NO3_NO2_stdev  d15N_NO3_NO2_mean  d15N_NO3_NO2_stdev  d18Ocorr_NO3_NO2_mean  d18O_NO3_NO2_stdev  NO3_mean    NO3_stdev  d15N_NO3_mean  d15N_NO3_stdev  d18O_NO3_mean  d18O_NO3_stdev  
VOY03CTD19_BTL142   25.25     -0.77    33.91   7.85         1027.28   26.083        0.501          5.508              0.034               3.436                  0.160               26.259      0.247      5.772          0.002           3.574          0.065           
VOY03CTD19_BTL143   54.79     -0.77    33.91   7.84         1027.28   25.818        0.532          5.527              0.066               3.377                  0.060               25.490      0.210      5.686          0.032           3.500          0.047           
VOY03CTD19_BTL144   79.22     -0.73    33.92   7.80         1027.29   26.314        0.386          5.477              0.035               3.333                  0.111               26.124      0.179      5.730          0.026           3.490          0.120           
VOY03CTD19_BTL145   120.20    -0.39    34.01   7.32         1027.34   28.203        0.699          5.212              0.045               2.907                  0.211               28.040      0.763      5.376          0.067           3.079          0.132           
VOY03CTD19_BTL146   148.37    0.51     34.21   5.76         1027.44   31.738        0.349          5.033              0.039               2.372                  0.077               31.405      0.085      5.062          0.016           2.596          0.090           
VOY03CTD19_BTL147   197.01    1.36     34.45   4.63         1027.56   34.467        0.131          4.808              0.031               1.979                  0.108               34.409      0.552      4.771          0.084           1.883          0.173           
VOY03CTD19_BTL148   297.70    1.70     34.60   4.21         1027.65   34.598        0.424          4.791              0.036               1.725                  0.052               34.294      0.620      4.776          0.049           1.794          0.007           
VOY03CTD19_BTL149   396.31    1.74     34.64   4.24         1027.68   33.219        0.186          4.829              0.043               1.798                  0.062               33.218      0.500      4.831          0.032           2.008          0.040           
VOY03CTD19_BTL150   494.58    1.68     34.67   4.29         1027.71   32.948        0.479          4.856              0.035               1.806                  0.141               33.090      0.520      4.810          0.021           1.936          0.150           
VOY03CTD19_BTL151   594.15    1.63     34.69   4.37         1027.73   32.216        0.521          4.831              0.011               1.861                  0.074               32.417      0.296      4.832          0.004           1.942          0.005           
VOY03CTD19_BTL152   693.31    1.54     34.70   4.45         1027.75   32.125        0.299          4.831              0.013               1.832                  0.144               32.008      0.264      4.830          0.025           1.933          0.092           
VOY03CTD19_BTL153   792.07    1.44     34.71   4.52         1027.77   31.804        0.317          4.781              0.004               1.731                  0.201               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD19_BTL154   889.84    1.36     34.71   4.54         1027.77   31.855        0.168          4.784              0.013               1.813                  0.048               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd              
VOY03CTD19_BTL155   989.34    1.24     34.71   4.58         1027.78   31.805        0.253          4.794              0.031               1.833                  0.045               nd          nd         nd             nd              nd             nd